Sustainability for Authors and Clarity for Buyers
In 2008 we launched ThemeForest to the world. Our pitch was low price themes with no support, targeting professionals. In the six years since, ThemeForest has grown to be the world’s largest and busiest theme market. As part of Envato Market, it has helped launch a sister marketplace, CodeCanyon, which is the largest and busiest plugin market online. Along the way our prices and quality went up, buyers started expecting more and more support, and authors started providing it.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur placerat auctor mauris, egestas ultricies leo iaculis vel.
Phasellus dolor dolor, sodales non interdum eget, eleifend vel risus. Cras vitae luctus metus, bibendum rutrum elit. Suspendisse blandit sapien et facilisis rutrum. Nulla id ex massa. Mauris lorem elit, dapibus ac elit eleifend, viverra iaculis enim. Sed bibendum ut ante quis pellentesque.
Completely pursue scalable customer service through sustainable potentialities.